Friday, November 25, 2011


This year was my first Thanksgiving without my family and with Bryan's family. He stayed in Madison last year to be with us.

Normally we go to St. Louis to spend time with my mom's family and the last few years after Dad died we stayed in Madison so we could be with Gramps and Laura and I made the big dinner. Well, this year since Gramps is no longer with us so Laura and I decided that our holidays have to be much different to try and keep them from being so sad. So, she went off to New York City, and I came out to Northern California with Bryan. Now, our trip is not just for Thanksgiving, it's also to look for housing since we're planning to move here in June. We've been driving around looking at different areas and think that we've settled on one or two cities to rent in until we get acclimated and then buy within the next year once we really know what we want and need.

Back to Thanksgiving, Bryan's parents made a wonderful meal and we ate at this gorgeous table.

Bryan's mom sure knows how to set a nice table. It was a smaller affair with just 10 of us total, so I suppose that makes it a little easier. I'm used to 30-40 people and it's a lot more casual, though Aunt Marlene always decorates her house nicely and makes it warm and inviting. It was really neat to see Bryan's family traditions. We went around the table and each said what we are thankful for this year. The food was so yummy and while I only had one plate, my tummy was too full for pie! It was tragic. Luckily I was able to have a small piece later in the evening. I also met Bryan's aunts and uncle on his mom's side for the first time(still haven't met the other side yet, that will be after we're married at our California reception). They were very nice and I enjoyed meeting them.

No Black Friday shopping for me this year. Dad and Laura always went and I went a few times with him. I went alone the first year after Dad died to get a dvd for Laura that she really wanted. I had to go to Target at 5am or whatever time they opened and then wait in line for an hour just for one item. Unless she really feels the need for a deal like that again, I'd rather spend a little bit more money and save my time. Bryan's mom and I will be going out tonight at some point, but just for fun. I'm not about to battle all the crazy deal seekers out there. I'll relax and do some blogging in my jammies while they wait in line to buy their items.

I'll definitely have to get out to the malls this weekend still to do some shopping for the Glitz and Glam swap over at The Bargain Blonde. My swap partner is Andi over at My Life as Mrs. Fredericks. She seems absolutely adorable and I can't wait to send her all sorts of cute things!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Reception location? Check!

Last night Bryan and I signed the contract for our reception location. It will be at The Legend at Bergamont. It's a little farther away than I would have liked (20-30 minutes) but the space is gorgeous and it had the indoor/outdoor feeling that I wanted. I still have yet to see it in the daylight since I work during the day and by the time I'm able to get over there it's pitch black outside. However, it looks beautiful and based on the photos I have no doubts that the grounds will be an amazing backdrop for our reception. 2 sides of the room entirely made up of windows. And there is a patio. So excited!!

The only item of concern was on the contract. No glitter! What?! How is there a no glitter clause in the contract. I guess someone had glitter balls in vases as centerpieces and the children decided it would be a great idea to remove said glitter balls and bounce them all over the country club leaving months of cleaning joy in their wake. I was told that if my glitter was tasteful and not able to be strewn about the club, I could have some. I'm envisioning glittery branches in the floral arrangements or something similar. Nothing crazy, but still a statement.

Yesterday was full of wedding stuff as my sister/maid of honor, Laura, and I went bridesmaid dress shopping. Of course I picked one that we couldn't try on and the swatch of color (the main concern) was less than an inch big, but I think it will be gorgeous. My semi-formal wedding is turning into quite the formal affair, but I'm loving it. Everything is very "me." I guess my friends and family wouldn't expect anything else. I was unsure about the color all day, but after google image searching similar colors I think it will turn out beautifully.

We also looked for wedding shoes but came up dry. I have a feeling that will be a continual search for the months to come. Not that I'm complaining. I love shoe shopping. Plus, I plan to change my shoes for cute wedge flip flops for the dancing and there are LOTS of them available that I'm not worried at all.

After the dress shopping and before the shoe shopping we went to Maurice's. I think I might be a little old for it, but I don't care. It also might be a little sad that the manager knows me by name. It was fun to introduce Laura to one of my favorite stores. She thought that everything in there was my style. I guess it was since I bought jeans, two of the same sweater two different colors, two wrap shirts and a tank top. Almost like a new wardrobe except the jeans need to stretch a bit or me to shrink. Both are possible at this point! I wore my new tank and one of the sweaters to work today. It was a hit! I've gotten lots of compliments. I can't wait to wear the black one. Probably tomorrow. =)

Isn't the cutest?

By the way, when I just went to the Maurices website, this is what I read: the leading small town specialty store and authority for the savvy, fashion conscious customer with a twenty-something attitude. It was started in Duluth, MN. Interesting!! And here I thought it was for teens. Plus, it was started in the midwest. While I'm all about shopping local, this is a chain store I don't mind frequenting.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Lady Valentine has arrived!

Let's just start by saying that I love everything pink, hearts and valentine. I was born on Valentine's Day and it's the best day of the entire year. My sister likes to think that it's Lisa's Day. Isn't that nice?

I'm blogging because I read my sister's blog, Life With Laura, love reading other peoples' blogs and don't want to be a creeper, and figure it will be fun to document my wedding planning and life in general. Plus, my life is fascinating, so why wouldn't everyone want to read about it?

A little about me. I'm a 20something living in the Midwest. I own a lingerie store. I'm engaged to a wonderful man and am planning our Victorian Valentine themed wedding in six months!

Welcome to Lady Valentine!!